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焦化發(fā)電機組可以作為許多行業(yè)的電力保障,可是很多用戶對于焦化機換季維護(hù)方面知識很陌生。正確維護(hù)焦化機, 可提高使用壽命。小編幫您了解關(guān)于焦化發(fā)電機組在換季時的需要注意的一些事項。
The coking generator unit can be used as the power guarantee for many industries, but many users are unfamiliar with the knowledge about the maintenance of the coking machine. Correct maintenance of the coking machine can improve the service life. The editor will help you understand some matters needing attention during the season change of the coking generator unit.
1、 Rotary oil indicator
凡在潤滑油路中(裝在濾清器處)刻有“冬、夏”兩檔旋轉(zhuǎn)指示器的焦化機,將指示箭頭對準(zhǔn)“夏”字,實現(xiàn)機油大 循環(huán);可有效避免機油溫度過高而導(dǎo)致機油壓降低,從而能夠降低機件磨損。
For the coking machine with "winter" and "summer" rotary indicators engraved in the lubricating oil circuit (installed at the filter), align the indicator arrow with the word "summer" to realize large-scale oil circulation; It can effectively prevent the oil temperature from being too high and the oil pressure from decreasing, thus reducing the wear of the parts.
2、 Clean up
摘去保溫被,對焦化機進(jìn)行一次衛(wèi)生大掃除。清理泥土、雜物、油垢,給機器地洗一次臉。在清理、清除、清洗 過程中,可以發(fā)現(xiàn)松動的螺母、鉚釘及外表缺損處,要及時更換修理。
Remove the thermal insulation blanket and conduct a sanitary cleaning of the coking machine. Clean the dirt, sundries and oil stains, and wash the face of the machine once. Loose nuts, rivets and external defects can be found during cleaning, removal and cleaning, and shall be replaced and repaired in time.
3、 Clean three filters and three nets
Air filter, coking filter and oil filter are commonly known as three filters. The main points for cleaning the three filters are:
① The third filter is a paper filter element. It is recommended to replace it with a new one except that the filter element of the air filter can be used after cleaning.
②金屬濾網(wǎng)、濾芯的,只能用干凈油、毛刷或氣筒進(jìn)行清洗,用氣體吹出臟物,切不可火燒。“三網(wǎng)”指焦化加注口 、機油加注口、廢氣排除口的過濾網(wǎng),應(yīng)清洗,以使進(jìn)出暢通無阻。
② The metal filter screen and filter element can only be cleaned with clean oil, brush or air cylinder, and the dirt can be blown out with gas. It is not allowed to burn. "Three nets" refer to the filter screens at the coking filler, engine oil filler and exhaust gas outlet, which shall be cleaned to ensure smooth access.
以上內(nèi)容關(guān)于“焦化發(fā)電機組在換季時應(yīng)注意的事項?”的講解了,您對此有疑問就來我們網(wǎng)站 http://www.vw95.cn進(jìn)行咨詢,給您提供更新更為詳細(xì)的內(nèi)容資訊!
The above content is about "matters needing attention during season change of coking generator unit?" If you have any questions, please come to our website http://www.vw95.cn Consult and provide you with updated and more detailed content information!
  • 服務(wù)熱線



焦化發(fā)電機組可以作為許多行業(yè)的電力保障,可是很多用戶對于焦化機換季維護(hù)方面知識很陌生。正確維護(hù)焦化機, 可提高使用壽命。小編幫您了解關(guān)于焦化發(fā)電機組在換季時的需要注意的一些事項。
The coking generator unit can be used as the power guarantee for many industries, but many users are unfamiliar with the knowledge about the maintenance of the coking machine. Correct maintenance of the coking machine can improve the service life. The editor will help you understand some matters needing attention during the season change of the coking generator unit.
1、 Rotary oil indicator
凡在潤滑油路中(裝在濾清器處)刻有“冬、夏”兩檔旋轉(zhuǎn)指示器的焦化機,將指示箭頭對準(zhǔn)“夏”字,實現(xiàn)機油大 循環(huán);可有效避免機油溫度過高而導(dǎo)致機油壓降低,從而能夠降低機件磨損。
For the coking machine with "winter" and "summer" rotary indicators engraved in the lubricating oil circuit (installed at the filter), align the indicator arrow with the word "summer" to realize large-scale oil circulation; It can effectively prevent the oil temperature from being too high and the oil pressure from decreasing, thus reducing the wear of the parts.
2、 Clean up
摘去保溫被,對焦化機進(jìn)行一次衛(wèi)生大掃除。清理泥土、雜物、油垢,給機器地洗一次臉。在清理、清除、清洗 過程中,可以發(fā)現(xiàn)松動的螺母、鉚釘及外表缺損處,要及時更換修理。
Remove the thermal insulation blanket and conduct a sanitary cleaning of the coking machine. Clean the dirt, sundries and oil stains, and wash the face of the machine once. Loose nuts, rivets and external defects can be found during cleaning, removal and cleaning, and shall be replaced and repaired in time.
3、 Clean three filters and three nets
Air filter, coking filter and oil filter are commonly known as three filters. The main points for cleaning the three filters are:
① The third filter is a paper filter element. It is recommended to replace it with a new one except that the filter element of the air filter can be used after cleaning.
②金屬濾網(wǎng)、濾芯的,只能用干凈油、毛刷或氣筒進(jìn)行清洗,用氣體吹出臟物,切不可火燒。“三網(wǎng)”指焦化加注口 、機油加注口、廢氣排除口的過濾網(wǎng),應(yīng)清洗,以使進(jìn)出暢通無阻。
② The metal filter screen and filter element can only be cleaned with clean oil, brush or air cylinder, and the dirt can be blown out with gas. It is not allowed to burn. "Three nets" refer to the filter screens at the coking filler, engine oil filler and exhaust gas outlet, which shall be cleaned to ensure smooth access.
以上內(nèi)容關(guān)于“焦化發(fā)電機組在換季時應(yīng)注意的事項?”的講解了,您對此有疑問就來我們網(wǎng)站 http://www.vw95.cn進(jìn)行咨詢,給您提供更新更為詳細(xì)的內(nèi)容資訊!
The above content is about "matters needing attention during season change of coking generator unit?" If you have any questions, please come to our website http://www.vw95.cn Consult and provide you with updated and more detailed content information!