



返回 2020.03.03 來源:http://www.vw95.cn 0

  1. 當機器停機時,水排得太早或沒有放冷卻水。機器停機前,應以空速運轉。如果冷卻水排出過早,當溫度較高時,機體會在冷空氣的沖擊下突然收縮開裂。排水時,應將體內殘留的水分全部排出,避免凍結和膨脹,使機體爆裂。

  1. When the machine is stopped, the water is discharged too early or the cooling water is not discharged. Before the machine is shut down, it should run at idle speed. If the cooling water is discharged too early, when the temperature is high, the machine will contract and crack suddenly under the impact of cold air. During drainage, the residual water in the body shall be discharged completely to avoid freezing and expansion, so as to burst the body.

  2. 用明火點燃,不要拆下空氣濾清器,將棉紗浸在柴油中點燃

  2. Ignite with open fire, do not remove the air filter, and soak the cotton yarn in diesel oil to ignite


  The igniter is placed in the intake pipe to start combustion. In this way, in the process of starting, the outside dust air will not be filtered directly into the cylinder, causing abnormal wear of the piston, cylinder and other components, and also causing rough operation of the diesel engine, damaging the machine.


  3. Bake the oil pan with open fire to avoid deterioration, even scorch and lubrication of the oil pan


  Reduce or completely lose, thus increasing machine wear. Low freezing point oil should be used in winter. External water bath can be used to increase oil temperature during startup.


  4. The starting method is not suitable. Some users can start the diesel engine quickly without water. Abnormal start-up method of starting (start first, then add cooling water). This will cause serious damage to the machine and should be banned.


  5. During low-temperature load operation, some drivers can't wait to put into load operation immediately after the diesel engine starts fire. Because of the low temperature of the engine block and the high viscosity of the oil, it is not easy for the oil to fill the friction surface of the moving pair, which will cause serious wear of the engine. In addition, plunger spring, valve spring and ejector spring are easy to break due to "cold brittleness". Therefore, after ignition in winter, the diesel engine should idle for several minutes at low and medium speed, and then put into load operation after the temperature of cooling water reaches 60 ℃.


  6. Do not pay attention to the heat preservation of the engine body, and the temperature is low in winter, which is easy to cause excessive cooling of the diesel engine during operation. Therefore, the heat preservation of diesel engine at low temperature is the key to the good use of diesel engine. In the north, diesel engines used in winter shall be equipped with cold equipment such as heat shield and heat curtain.

  7. 鑒于各地天氣逐漸降溫,提醒用戶全面檢查開關、電源、閥門,確保絕對安全;

  7. In view of the gradual cooling of the weather around, remind the user to check the switch, power supply and valve comprehensively to ensure absolute safety;

  8. 檢查溫度和冷卻劑與防凍劑的比例是否符合當?shù)氐臏囟?

  8. Check whether the minimum temperature and the ratio of coolant and antifreeze meet the local minimum temperature;

  9. 檢查燃油情況,如將原來的0#柴油更換為-10#或-20#柴油(根據(jù)當?shù)貧夂蜻x擇);

  9. Check the fuel condition, such as replacing the original 0 × diesel with - 10 × or - 20 × diesel (selected according to the local climate);

  10. 建議在重要機房安裝溫度計,保證機組運行時進排氣順暢。北方較冷地區(qū)對機房進行絕緣,必要時進行整改。

  10. It is recommended to install thermometers in important machine rooms to ensure smooth air intake and exhaust during unit operation. Insulate the machine room in the cold area in the north and rectify it if necessary.


  11. In the area of continuous cold, to start the lead-acid battery, a comprehensive inspection should be carried out, and the battery voltage should be kept above 25 v. if it passes the service life requirements, it must be replaced;

  12. 長時間使用時,必須對機組進行徹底檢查,及時處理泄漏;

  12. When it is used for a long time, the unit must be thoroughly inspected and leakage shall be handled in time;

  13. 對于連續(xù)有降水或暴風雪的地區(qū),要提醒您全面檢查進、排氣、排煙管道(如有排煙,請檢查暴雨或暴雪條件下的防水、防雪情況)。不符合要求或進水的,應及時整改;

  13. For areas with continuous precipitation or snowstorm, you should be reminded to comprehensively check the air inlet, exhaust and exhaust pipes (if there is smoke exhaust, please check the waterproof and snowproof conditions under rainstorm or snowstorm conditions). In case of nonconformity or water inflow, rectification shall be carried out in time;

  14. 根據(jù)機組運行情況,及時組織采購了一批康明斯柴油發(fā)電機組運行所需的過濾器(機油過濾器、機油旁通過濾器(如有)、柴油過濾器、油水分離器(如有)、空氣過濾器)。

  14. According to the operation of the unit, a batch of filters (oil filter, oil bypass filter (if any), diesel filter, oil-water separator (if any) and air filter) required for the operation of Cummins diesel generator unit were timely purchased.


  The above is the relevant content of biogas generator set for you. To learn more, please visit the website: http://www.vw95.cn


  • 服務熱線



  1. 當機器停機時,水排得太早或沒有放冷卻水。機器停機前,應以空速運轉。如果冷卻水排出過早,當溫度較高時,機體會在冷空氣的沖擊下突然收縮開裂。排水時,應將體內殘留的水分全部排出,避免凍結和膨脹,使機體爆裂。

  1. When the machine is stopped, the water is discharged too early or the cooling water is not discharged. Before the machine is shut down, it should run at idle speed. If the cooling water is discharged too early, when the temperature is high, the machine will contract and crack suddenly under the impact of cold air. During drainage, the residual water in the body shall be discharged completely to avoid freezing and expansion, so as to burst the body.

  2. 用明火點燃,不要拆下空氣濾清器,將棉紗浸在柴油中點燃

  2. Ignite with open fire, do not remove the air filter, and soak the cotton yarn in diesel oil to ignite


  The igniter is placed in the intake pipe to start combustion. In this way, in the process of starting, the outside dust air will not be filtered directly into the cylinder, causing abnormal wear of the piston, cylinder and other components, and also causing rough operation of the diesel engine, damaging the machine.


  3. Bake the oil pan with open fire to avoid deterioration, even scorch and lubrication of the oil pan


  Reduce or completely lose, thus increasing machine wear. Low freezing point oil should be used in winter. External water bath can be used to increase oil temperature during startup.


  4. The starting method is not suitable. Some users can start the diesel engine quickly without water. Abnormal start-up method of starting (start first, then add cooling water). This will cause serious damage to the machine and should be banned.


  5. During low-temperature load operation, some drivers can't wait to put into load operation immediately after the diesel engine starts fire. Because of the low temperature of the engine block and the high viscosity of the oil, it is not easy for the oil to fill the friction surface of the moving pair, which will cause serious wear of the engine. In addition, plunger spring, valve spring and ejector spring are easy to break due to "cold brittleness". Therefore, after ignition in winter, the diesel engine should idle for several minutes at low and medium speed, and then put into load operation after the temperature of cooling water reaches 60 ℃.


  6. Do not pay attention to the heat preservation of the engine body, and the temperature is low in winter, which is easy to cause excessive cooling of the diesel engine during operation. Therefore, the heat preservation of diesel engine at low temperature is the key to the good use of diesel engine. In the north, diesel engines used in winter shall be equipped with cold equipment such as heat shield and heat curtain.

  7. 鑒于各地天氣逐漸降溫,提醒用戶全面檢查開關、電源、閥門,確保絕對安全;

  7. In view of the gradual cooling of the weather around, remind the user to check the switch, power supply and valve comprehensively to ensure absolute safety;

  8. 檢查溫度和冷卻劑與防凍劑的比例是否符合當?shù)氐臏囟?

  8. Check whether the minimum temperature and the ratio of coolant and antifreeze meet the local minimum temperature;

  9. 檢查燃油情況,如將原來的0#柴油更換為-10#或-20#柴油(根據(jù)當?shù)貧夂蜻x擇);

  9. Check the fuel condition, such as replacing the original 0 × diesel with - 10 × or - 20 × diesel (selected according to the local climate);

  10. 建議在重要機房安裝溫度計,保證機組運行時進排氣順暢。北方較冷地區(qū)對機房進行絕緣,必要時進行整改。

  10. It is recommended to install thermometers in important machine rooms to ensure smooth air intake and exhaust during unit operation. Insulate the machine room in the cold area in the north and rectify it if necessary.


  11. In the area of continuous cold, to start the lead-acid battery, a comprehensive inspection should be carried out, and the battery voltage should be kept above 25 v. if it passes the service life requirements, it must be replaced;

  12. 長時間使用時,必須對機組進行徹底檢查,及時處理泄漏;

  12. When it is used for a long time, the unit must be thoroughly inspected and leakage shall be handled in time;

  13. 對于連續(xù)有降水或暴風雪的地區(qū),要提醒您全面檢查進、排氣、排煙管道(如有排煙,請檢查暴雨或暴雪條件下的防水、防雪情況)。不符合要求或進水的,應及時整改;

  13. For areas with continuous precipitation or snowstorm, you should be reminded to comprehensively check the air inlet, exhaust and exhaust pipes (if there is smoke exhaust, please check the waterproof and snowproof conditions under rainstorm or snowstorm conditions). In case of nonconformity or water inflow, rectification shall be carried out in time;

  14. 根據(jù)機組運行情況,及時組織采購了一批康明斯柴油發(fā)電機組運行所需的過濾器(機油過濾器、機油旁通過濾器(如有)、柴油過濾器、油水分離器(如有)、空氣過濾器)。

  14. According to the operation of the unit, a batch of filters (oil filter, oil bypass filter (if any), diesel filter, oil-water separator (if any) and air filter) required for the operation of Cummins diesel generator unit were timely purchased.


  The above is the relevant content of biogas generator set for you. To learn more, please visit the website: http://www.vw95.cn