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  Safety operating procedures for gas generator sets


    Preparation before starting the generator set


  1. Appearance inspection


  All components of the generator set are complete and complete, with correct and effective sealing of all pipelines. The chassis and components are firmly connected without any looseness.


  2. Air intake system inspection


  The gas pipeline, gas treatment equipment, and safety devices in front of the intake of the generator set are reliably connected and leak free; Open the gas valve and check that there is no leakage in the gas pipeline of the unit.


  3. Lubrication system inspection


  Fill the oil pan with qualified and clean engine oil, and the oil level should be close to the upper mark of the oil dipstick.


  4. Cooling system inspection


  (1) Check if the circulating cooling water inside the unit is clean and meets the specified requirements: add clean softened water to the elevated water tank, and raise the water level to the appropriate position.


  (2) Check the water level and quality of the external circulation cooling water tank of the unit.


  (3) When the ambient temperature is below 5C, the internal circulation cooling water and lubricating oil should be preheated to above 20C.


  5. Electrical system inspection


  (1) Check whether the connecting wires are firm at all points, and whether the insulation resistance between the electrical circuit and the ground meets the specified value. During the measurement process, all electrical components, semiconductor components, capacitors, and other components of the unit should be disconnected (the measurement result should not be less than 2MQ). The wiring of the battery should be firm and reliable. The positive pole of the battery should first be connected to the lower terminal of the starting relay; Then connect the negative electrode to the machine chassis and remove any paint rust from the wiring.


  (2) Before grid connection (parallel operation) of the unit, phase sequence inspection should be carried out to ensure that the phase sequence of the generator unit is the same as that of the power grid, or that the phase sequence between the units is consistent.


  The insulation resistance of each electrical circuit should be measured for the first time the unit is put into operation: When measuring the insulation resistance of the generator winding, the X1 plug on the "AVR" board should be removed first, and its insulation resistance should be>2M2. The insulation resistance of the already running unit should be>0.5MQ.


  Check that the alarm indications and sound actions on the control screen are normal. Close the battery switch, press the test alarm button, and all indicator lights should flash simultaneously. The bell or horn should sound an alarm, and press the mute button to stop the sound. Press the alarm release button, and all indicator lights will go out.

  (3) 運(yùn)行前,先合上控制屏上端的隔離開關(guān)(編號(hào)QS),然后將控制屏各開關(guān)置于下表所示狀態(tài):

  (3) Before operation, close the isolation switch (number QS) on the upper end of the control screen, and then place each switch on the control screen in the state shown in the table below:

  (4) 燃?xì)鈾C(jī)組TEM電子管理系統(tǒng)控制柜內(nèi)電源總開關(guān)置于接通位置,船形開關(guān)置于ON位置,打開主機(jī)窗口合上電源開關(guān)并按下顯示器按鈕,進(jìn)入Windows2000系統(tǒng)后,雙擊12V--190機(jī)組圖標(biāo),即可進(jìn)入控制程序。

  (4) The main power switch in the control cabinet of the gas turbine TEM electronic management system is placed in the ON position, and the boat shaped switch is placed in the ON position. Open the main engine window, close the power switch, and press the display button. After entering the Windows 2000 system, double-click the 12V-190 unit icon to enter the control program.

  (5) 開機(jī)前必須將起動(dòng)蓄電池的充電機(jī)電源關(guān)斷:或?qū)⒊潆姍C(jī)負(fù)極接線夾頭拆下并夾在負(fù)極線的絕緣。

  (5) Before starting up, the power supply of the starter battery charger must be turned off, or the negative terminal of the charger wiring clamp must be removed and clamped onto the insulation of the negative terminal wire.base64_image

  (6) 將控制屏及微機(jī)柜緊急停機(jī)按鈕釋放,按下微機(jī)柜上的起動(dòng)按鈕。

  (6) Release the emergency stop button on the control screen and micro cabinet, and press the start button on the micro cabinet.

  (7) 用手動(dòng)機(jī)油泵泵油, (或用電動(dòng)預(yù)供油泵泵油,蓄電池電量允許時(shí)),當(dāng)油壓力表指示為0.1Mpa時(shí)停停止供油。

  (7) Use a manual oil pump to pump oil (or use an electric pre supply oil pump to pump oil when the battery capacity allows), and stop supplying oil when the oil pressure gauge indicates 0.1Mpa.

  (8) 盤車:用人力盤轉(zhuǎn)曲軸,至少兩周,不得有卡滯或異?,F(xiàn)象。

  (8) Turning: Rotate the crankshaft manually for at least two weeks without any jamming or abnormal phenomena.

  本文由 瓦斯發(fā)電機(jī)組 友情奉獻(xiàn).更多有關(guān)的知識(shí)請(qǐng)點(diǎn)擊  http://www.vw95.cn   真誠(chéng)的態(tài)度.為您提供為全面的服務(wù).更多有關(guān)的知識(shí)我們將會(huì)陸續(xù)向大家奉獻(xiàn).敬請(qǐng)期待.

  This article is dedicated to the friendship of gas generators. For more related knowledge, please click http://www.vw95.cn Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive service. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned

  • 服務(wù)熱線




  Safety operating procedures for gas generator sets


    Preparation before starting the generator set


  1. Appearance inspection


  All components of the generator set are complete and complete, with correct and effective sealing of all pipelines. The chassis and components are firmly connected without any looseness.


  2. Air intake system inspection


  The gas pipeline, gas treatment equipment, and safety devices in front of the intake of the generator set are reliably connected and leak free; Open the gas valve and check that there is no leakage in the gas pipeline of the unit.


  3. Lubrication system inspection


  Fill the oil pan with qualified and clean engine oil, and the oil level should be close to the upper mark of the oil dipstick.


  4. Cooling system inspection


  (1) Check if the circulating cooling water inside the unit is clean and meets the specified requirements: add clean softened water to the elevated water tank, and raise the water level to the appropriate position.


  (2) Check the water level and quality of the external circulation cooling water tank of the unit.


  (3) When the ambient temperature is below 5C, the internal circulation cooling water and lubricating oil should be preheated to above 20C.


  5. Electrical system inspection


  (1) Check whether the connecting wires are firm at all points, and whether the insulation resistance between the electrical circuit and the ground meets the specified value. During the measurement process, all electrical components, semiconductor components, capacitors, and other components of the unit should be disconnected (the measurement result should not be less than 2MQ). The wiring of the battery should be firm and reliable. The positive pole of the battery should first be connected to the lower terminal of the starting relay; Then connect the negative electrode to the machine chassis and remove any paint rust from the wiring.


  (2) Before grid connection (parallel operation) of the unit, phase sequence inspection should be carried out to ensure that the phase sequence of the generator unit is the same as that of the power grid, or that the phase sequence between the units is consistent.


  The insulation resistance of each electrical circuit should be measured for the first time the unit is put into operation: When measuring the insulation resistance of the generator winding, the X1 plug on the "AVR" board should be removed first, and its insulation resistance should be>2M2. The insulation resistance of the already running unit should be>0.5MQ.


  Check that the alarm indications and sound actions on the control screen are normal. Close the battery switch, press the test alarm button, and all indicator lights should flash simultaneously. The bell or horn should sound an alarm, and press the mute button to stop the sound. Press the alarm release button, and all indicator lights will go out.

  (3) 運(yùn)行前,先合上控制屏上端的隔離開關(guān)(編號(hào)QS),然后將控制屏各開關(guān)置于下表所示狀態(tài):

  (3) Before operation, close the isolation switch (number QS) on the upper end of the control screen, and then place each switch on the control screen in the state shown in the table below:

  (4) 燃?xì)鈾C(jī)組TEM電子管理系統(tǒng)控制柜內(nèi)電源總開關(guān)置于接通位置,船形開關(guān)置于ON位置,打開主機(jī)窗口合上電源開關(guān)并按下顯示器按鈕,進(jìn)入Windows2000系統(tǒng)后,雙擊12V--190機(jī)組圖標(biāo),即可進(jìn)入控制程序。

  (4) The main power switch in the control cabinet of the gas turbine TEM electronic management system is placed in the ON position, and the boat shaped switch is placed in the ON position. Open the main engine window, close the power switch, and press the display button. After entering the Windows 2000 system, double-click the 12V-190 unit icon to enter the control program.

  (5) 開機(jī)前必須將起動(dòng)蓄電池的充電機(jī)電源關(guān)斷:或?qū)⒊潆姍C(jī)負(fù)極接線夾頭拆下并夾在負(fù)極線的絕緣。

  (5) Before starting up, the power supply of the starter battery charger must be turned off, or the negative terminal of the charger wiring clamp must be removed and clamped onto the insulation of the negative terminal wire.base64_image

  (6) 將控制屏及微機(jī)柜緊急停機(jī)按鈕釋放,按下微機(jī)柜上的起動(dòng)按鈕。

  (6) Release the emergency stop button on the control screen and micro cabinet, and press the start button on the micro cabinet.

  (7) 用手動(dòng)機(jī)油泵泵油, (或用電動(dòng)預(yù)供油泵泵油,蓄電池電量允許時(shí)),當(dāng)油壓力表指示為0.1Mpa時(shí)停停止供油。

  (7) Use a manual oil pump to pump oil (or use an electric pre supply oil pump to pump oil when the battery capacity allows), and stop supplying oil when the oil pressure gauge indicates 0.1Mpa.

  (8) 盤車:用人力盤轉(zhuǎn)曲軸,至少兩周,不得有卡滯或異?,F(xiàn)象。

  (8) Turning: Rotate the crankshaft manually for at least two weeks without any jamming or abnormal phenomena.

  本文由 瓦斯發(fā)電機(jī)組 友情奉獻(xiàn).更多有關(guān)的知識(shí)請(qǐng)點(diǎn)擊  http://www.vw95.cn   真誠(chéng)的態(tài)度.為您提供為全面的服務(wù).更多有關(guān)的知識(shí)我們將會(huì)陸續(xù)向大家奉獻(xiàn).敬請(qǐng)期待.

  This article is dedicated to the friendship of gas generators. For more related knowledge, please click http://www.vw95.cn Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive service. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned