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返回 2023.10.10 來源:http://www.vw95.cn 0
1. What is the reason for the loss of excitation of the generator (electric ball) and how should it be handled?
答:發(fā)電機(jī)(電球)長時間不用,導(dǎo)致出廠前含在鐵芯中的剩磁失去,勵磁線圈建立不起應(yīng)有的磁場,這時發(fā)動機(jī)運轉(zhuǎn)正常但發(fā)不出電,此類現(xiàn)象新機(jī)或長期不用的機(jī)組較多。 處理方法:
Answer: If the generator (electric ball) is not used for a long time, it will result in the loss of residual magnetism contained in the iron core before leaving the factory, and the excitation coil cannot establish the necessary magnetic field. At this time, the engine runs normally but cannot generate electricity. There are many new or long-term unused units in this phenomenon. Handling method:
1) If there is an excitation button, press the excitation button once.
2) If there is no excitation button, magnetize it with an electric battery.
3) Carry a light bulb load and operate at overspeed for a few seconds.
2. What level of energy does electricity belong to? What are the characteristics of alternating current?
Answer: Electric energy belongs to the category of secondary energy, with alternating current converted from mechanical energy and direct current converted from chemical energy. The characteristic of alternating current is that it cannot be stored and is now found to be used.
3. Why must the working compartment of the generator (electric ball) be kept clean and free of floating dust on the ground?
Answer: If a diesel engine sucks in dirty air, it will cause a decrease in power; If the generator sucks in impurities such as sand and dust, it can damage the insulation between the stator and rotor gaps, and in severe cases, cause burning.
4. What are the reasons for causing a high water temperature alarm to shut down and render it unusable?
Answer: 1) The water tank is leaking or the water volume is insufficient;
2) The water temperature sensor is damaged;
3) The dirt in the water tank channel is too thick or the heat sink has too much oil stains;
4) Excessive wear and insufficient pressure on the fan belt;
5) The water pump is worn and the water volume is insufficient;
6) The opening angle of the thermostat is insufficient and there is a jamming phenomenon;
7) The cylinder gasket is damaged and the water channel is connected to the cylinder;
8) Excessive wear of the cylinder liner, local water seepage;
9) The ventilation of the computer room does not meet the requirements;
10) Engine overload operation.
5. Why do diesel engines emit black smoke?
答:柴油機(jī)在高負(fù)荷時,排氣就容易冒黑煙。黑煙的生成過程,目前還不完全清楚,一般認(rèn)為當(dāng)柴油機(jī)負(fù)荷高時,噴入燃燒室的燃料增多,燃燒室中的溫度又較高,加上柴油機(jī)混合氣形成不均勻的特點,這樣就會造成燃燒室內(nèi)局部地區(qū)空氣不足的燃燒,燃料在高溫缺氧的情況下分解,聚合形成炭煙(炭黑)。炭煙不是純粹的碳,而是一種聚合體,主要成分是碳(85%以上),但還含有少量的氧、氫和灰分,并且其成分隨柴油機(jī)的負(fù)荷不同而有所改變。將黑煙通過過濾器把炭煙收集起來放在電子顯微鏡下觀察,可以看到大的炭煙粒子直徑在 0.05μm左右。柴油機(jī)中燃燒的高溫裂解反應(yīng)是不可避免的,特別是在空間混合燃燒的柴油機(jī)中,高溫的氣體包圍著液態(tài)的油滴,造成了進(jìn)行裂解反應(yīng)有利的條件,燃燒過程的高速攝影證實,在上止點附近都會出現(xiàn)大量的黑煙,但在一般情況下,炭煙都能在隨后的燃燒中找到空氣而完全燃燒,使排氣無黑煙。但是如果氣缸空氣不足,混合過程進(jìn)行緩慢,那么由于膨脹而使氣缸溫度下降,則碳不能燃燒而被聚合成炭煙。形成炭煙就使燃燒不完全,柴油機(jī)經(jīng)濟(jì)性下降,排溫升高,排氣冒黑煙,燃燒室表面積炭,并使負(fù)荷不能再行提高。積炭還會引起活塞環(huán)或活塞卡住、氣門咬死等故障。因此不允許柴油機(jī)在長時間超負(fù)荷的狀態(tài)下工作。
Answer: When a diesel engine is under high load, the exhaust is prone to emitting black smoke. The process of generating black smoke is currently not fully understood. It is generally believed that when a diesel engine has a high load, the amount of fuel injected into the combustion chamber increases, and the temperature in the combustion chamber is also high. In addition, the uneven formation of the diesel engine mixture can lead to insufficient air combustion in local areas of the combustion chamber, and the fuel decomposes under high temperature and oxygen deficiency, aggregating to form carbon black (carbon black). Carbon smoke is not pure carbon, but a polymer, mainly composed of carbon (over 85%), but also contains a small amount of oxygen, hydrogen, and ash, and its composition varies with the load of the diesel engine. Collect black smoke through a filter and observe it under an electron microscope. It can be seen that the diameter of large soot particles is 0.05 μ About m. The high-temperature cracking reaction of combustion in diesel engines is inevitable, especially in space mixed combustion diesel engines where high-temperature gases surround liquid oil droplets, creating favorable conditions for cracking reaction. High speed photography of the combustion process confirms that a large amount of black smoke appears near the top dead center. However, in general, carbon smoke can find air in the subsequent combustion and completely burn, leaving the exhaust without black smoke. However, if there is insufficient air in the cylinder and the mixing process progresses slowly, the temperature of the cylinder will decrease due to expansion, and the carbon will not burn and will aggregate into soot. The formation of soot leads to incomplete combustion, a decrease in diesel engine economy, an increase in exhaust temperature, black smoke emitted from the exhaust, charcoal on the surface of the combustion chamber, and the inability to further increase the load. Carbon accumulation can also cause piston rings or pistons to get stuck, valves to bite, and other malfunctions. Therefore, diesel engines are not allowed to operate under prolonged overload conditions.
5、 油箱內(nèi)為什么會有水,如何防止?
5. Why is there water in the fuel tank and how to prevent it?
Answer: Qualified fuel will not contain impurities and moisture when leaving the factory, but it will be mixed with dust, dirt, and moisture to some extent during transportation and storage; When the fuel tank is full, water in the air inside the tank is prone to forming condensed droplets that mix with the fuel. The following points should be noted in the use and storage of fuel:
1) Fuel should be stored in the fuel tank for at least 24 hours to allow water and impurities to settle before use;
2) After each work, try to fill the daily fuel tank as much as possible to prevent water from the air in the tank from mixing with the fuel;
3) When injecting oil, first wipe the funnel and oil tank end cover clean. When using a hand pump, be careful not to extract the lower sediment together;
4) Regularly open the fuel tank drain cock to remove accumulated water and sediment.
6. What fault can cause the motor (electric ball) group to start an accident where the transmission gear of the motor teeth?
答:蓄電池電力不足蓄電池溫度過高; 啟動電機(jī)繼電器不工作 ;啟動馬達(dá)傳動齒輪與飛輪齒圈不能嚙合; 啟動電機(jī)進(jìn)入嚙合柴油機(jī)不能轉(zhuǎn)動或轉(zhuǎn)動無力; 啟動電機(jī)不轉(zhuǎn); 啟動失效; 柴油機(jī)運轉(zhuǎn)后和啟動電機(jī)不能分離;
Answer: Insufficient battery power, high battery temperature; The starting motor relay does not work; The transmission gear of the starting motor cannot mesh with the flywheel ring gear; The starting motor cannot rotate or the rotation is weak when entering the meshing diesel engine; The starting motor does not rotate; Start failure; The diesel engine cannot be separated from the starting motor after operation;
7. What are the main reasons for AVR damage?
Answer: The AVR circuit consists of three parts: a rectifier main circuit, a voltage detection circuit, and a comparison control circuit; In terms of excluding the possibility of damage caused by the quality of the original electrical components themselves, in the entire AVR circuit, the working frequency of the main circuit and the comparative control circuit varies greatly; The rectifier bridge in the main circuit and the transistor in the comparison circuit fluctuate more frequently, accounting for over 90% of the damage rate of the entire AVR; Considering that the AVR on imported generators is a non repairable accessory that needs to be replaced if damaged, we mainly analyze the reasons for the damage to the AVR on the generator. It is important to avoid AVR damage as much as possible. As long as it is used properly, the service life of the AVR can be improved. The more stable the voltage of the generator, the smaller the frequency of variation within the AVR; The smaller the switching action of transistors in the comparison circuit, the lower the probability of AVR damage; The output load is relatively stable, and the smaller the frequency of variation within the AVR, the smaller the switching action of the transistors in the comparison circuit, and the lower the probability of AVR damage; The more stable the speed of a diesel engine, the smaller the oscillation impact of the changing current on AVR; Frequent "traveling" and overload, as well as large differences in three-phase loads, are the main reasons for AVR damage; Choose a generator set with E, F, and C fuel systems, as the frequency variation is small, the use of AVR will be more reliable.
8. What are the conditions for merging two generator sets? What device is used to complete the parallel operation?
Answer: The condition for parallel operation is that the instantaneous voltage, frequency, and phase of the two machines are the same. Commonly known as "three simultaneities". Use a dedicated parallel device to complete the parallel operation. It is generally recommended to use fully automatic parallel cabinets. Try not to manually merge machines. The success or failure of manual parallel operation depends on human experience. Based on more than 20 years of experience in power work, the author boldly states that the reliable success rate of manual parallel operation of diesel generators is equal to 0. We cannot apply the concept of manual parallel operation to a small power supply system based on the availability of a large power supply system, as the protection levels of the two are completely different.
9. Why is it necessary to tighten all electrical contacts after every 200 hours of operation of the unit?
Answer: The diesel generator set belongs to the vibration working device. And many domestically produced or assembled units should use double nuts without use. The use of spring washers is useless. Once the electrical fasteners loosen, it will generate a large contact resistance, leading to abnormal operation of the unit.
10. Why must the generator (electric ball) room be clean and free of floating sand on the ground?
Answer: If a diesel engine sucks in dirty air, it will cause a decrease in power; If the generator sucks in impurities such as sand particles, it can damage the insulation between the stator and rotor gaps, and in severe cases, cause burning.
11. How do UPS and diesel generators match in power to ensure stable UPS output?
Answer: 1) UPS is generally expressed in terms of apparent power KVA. First, multiply it by 0.8 to convert it into a unit of KW that is consistent with the active power of the generator.
2) If a general generator is used, the active power of the UPS is multiplied by 2 to determine the power of the allocated generator, which is twice the power of the UPS.
3) If a generator with PMG (permanent magnet excitation) is used, the generator power is determined by multiplying the UPS power by 1.2, i.e. the generator power is 1.2 times the UPS power.
12、 一臺發(fā)電機(jī)組的頻率、電壓均不穩(wěn)定其問題在于發(fā)動機(jī)還是發(fā)電機(jī)?
12. The frequency and voltage of a generator set are unstable, and the problem lies in the engine or generator?
Answer: It's the engine.
13、 一臺發(fā)電機(jī)組的頻率穩(wěn)定,電壓不穩(wěn)定其問題在于發(fā)動機(jī)還是發(fā)電機(jī)?
13. The frequency of a generator set is stable, but the voltage is unstable. Is the problem with the engine or the generator?
Answer: It's about the generator
14、 發(fā)電機(jī)失磁是怎么回事,應(yīng)怎么處理?
14. What is the cause of generator loss of excitation and how should we handle it?
Answer: If the generator is not used for a long time, the residual magnetism contained in the iron core before leaving the factory will be lost, and the excitation coil will not establish the necessary magnetic field. At this time, the engine will run normally but cannot generate electricity, which is a new phenomenon. There are many units that may not be used for a long time. Handling method:
1) If the unit is equipped with an excitation button, press the excitation button once
2) If there is no excitation button, use an electric battery to magnetize it;
3) Carry a light bulb load and operate at overspeed for a few seconds.
15. What is the load sequence after power on and on?
Answer: The load should be carried in order from high to low.
16. What is the unloading sequence before the machine?
Answer: Remove the load from small to large, and then turn it off.
17. Why can't I turn off and on with load?
Answer: Shutdown with load is an emergency shutdown that has a significant impact on the unit. Starting on load is a violation of regulations that can cause damage to both power generation and electrical equipment.
18. What is the so-called three-phase four wire system?
Answer: There are 4 outgoing lines for the generator set, of which 3 are live wires and 1 is zero wire. The voltage between the live wire is 380V. The voltage between the live line and the zero line is 220V.
19. What is a three-phase short circuit? What are the consequences?
Answer: A direct short circuit between live wires without any load is a three-phase short circuit. The consequences are very terrifying, and in severe cases, it can lead to aircraft damage and human death.
20、所謂倒送電是怎么回事? 會產(chǎn)生哪兩種嚴(yán)重后果?
20. What is the so-called reverse power transmission? What are the two serious consequences that can arise?
答: 自備發(fā)電機(jī)(電球)向市網(wǎng)送電的情況叫倒送電。其嚴(yán)重后果有兩種:
Answer: The situation where a self-contained generator (electric ball) sends electricity to the city network is called reverse power transmission. There are two serious consequences:
市網(wǎng)未停電,其市網(wǎng)電源與自備發(fā)電機(jī)電源產(chǎn)生非同期并機(jī),必毀壞機(jī)組。若自備發(fā)電機(jī)容量較大,還會使市網(wǎng)發(fā)生震蕩。b) 市網(wǎng)已停電正在檢修,其自備發(fā)電機(jī)倒送電。則會使供電部門檢修人員觸電身亡。
If there is no power outage in the city grid, the power supply of the city grid and the power supply of the self-provided generator will cause asynchronous parallel operation, which will inevitably damage the unit. If the capacity of the self-provided generator is large, it can also cause oscillations in the city network. b) The city power grid has been cut off and is undergoing maintenance, with its own generator being powered back. It will cause electric shock to the maintenance personnel of the power supply department.
  • 服務(wù)熱線



1. What is the reason for the loss of excitation of the generator (electric ball) and how should it be handled?
答:發(fā)電機(jī)(電球)長時間不用,導(dǎo)致出廠前含在鐵芯中的剩磁失去,勵磁線圈建立不起應(yīng)有的磁場,這時發(fā)動機(jī)運轉(zhuǎn)正常但發(fā)不出電,此類現(xiàn)象新機(jī)或長期不用的機(jī)組較多。 處理方法:
Answer: If the generator (electric ball) is not used for a long time, it will result in the loss of residual magnetism contained in the iron core before leaving the factory, and the excitation coil cannot establish the necessary magnetic field. At this time, the engine runs normally but cannot generate electricity. There are many new or long-term unused units in this phenomenon. Handling method:
1) If there is an excitation button, press the excitation button once.
2) If there is no excitation button, magnetize it with an electric battery.
3) Carry a light bulb load and operate at overspeed for a few seconds.
2. What level of energy does electricity belong to? What are the characteristics of alternating current?
Answer: Electric energy belongs to the category of secondary energy, with alternating current converted from mechanical energy and direct current converted from chemical energy. The characteristic of alternating current is that it cannot be stored and is now found to be used.
3. Why must the working compartment of the generator (electric ball) be kept clean and free of floating dust on the ground?
Answer: If a diesel engine sucks in dirty air, it will cause a decrease in power; If the generator sucks in impurities such as sand and dust, it can damage the insulation between the stator and rotor gaps, and in severe cases, cause burning.
4. What are the reasons for causing a high water temperature alarm to shut down and render it unusable?
Answer: 1) The water tank is leaking or the water volume is insufficient;
2) The water temperature sensor is damaged;
3) The dirt in the water tank channel is too thick or the heat sink has too much oil stains;
4) Excessive wear and insufficient pressure on the fan belt;
5) The water pump is worn and the water volume is insufficient;
6) The opening angle of the thermostat is insufficient and there is a jamming phenomenon;
7) The cylinder gasket is damaged and the water channel is connected to the cylinder;
8) Excessive wear of the cylinder liner, local water seepage;
9) The ventilation of the computer room does not meet the requirements;
10) Engine overload operation.
5. Why do diesel engines emit black smoke?
答:柴油機(jī)在高負(fù)荷時,排氣就容易冒黑煙。黑煙的生成過程,目前還不完全清楚,一般認(rèn)為當(dāng)柴油機(jī)負(fù)荷高時,噴入燃燒室的燃料增多,燃燒室中的溫度又較高,加上柴油機(jī)混合氣形成不均勻的特點,這樣就會造成燃燒室內(nèi)局部地區(qū)空氣不足的燃燒,燃料在高溫缺氧的情況下分解,聚合形成炭煙(炭黑)。炭煙不是純粹的碳,而是一種聚合體,主要成分是碳(85%以上),但還含有少量的氧、氫和灰分,并且其成分隨柴油機(jī)的負(fù)荷不同而有所改變。將黑煙通過過濾器把炭煙收集起來放在電子顯微鏡下觀察,可以看到大的炭煙粒子直徑在 0.05μm左右。柴油機(jī)中燃燒的高溫裂解反應(yīng)是不可避免的,特別是在空間混合燃燒的柴油機(jī)中,高溫的氣體包圍著液態(tài)的油滴,造成了進(jìn)行裂解反應(yīng)有利的條件,燃燒過程的高速攝影證實,在上止點附近都會出現(xiàn)大量的黑煙,但在一般情況下,炭煙都能在隨后的燃燒中找到空氣而完全燃燒,使排氣無黑煙。但是如果氣缸空氣不足,混合過程進(jìn)行緩慢,那么由于膨脹而使氣缸溫度下降,則碳不能燃燒而被聚合成炭煙。形成炭煙就使燃燒不完全,柴油機(jī)經(jīng)濟(jì)性下降,排溫升高,排氣冒黑煙,燃燒室表面積炭,并使負(fù)荷不能再行提高。積炭還會引起活塞環(huán)或活塞卡住、氣門咬死等故障。因此不允許柴油機(jī)在長時間超負(fù)荷的狀態(tài)下工作。
Answer: When a diesel engine is under high load, the exhaust is prone to emitting black smoke. The process of generating black smoke is currently not fully understood. It is generally believed that when a diesel engine has a high load, the amount of fuel injected into the combustion chamber increases, and the temperature in the combustion chamber is also high. In addition, the uneven formation of the diesel engine mixture can lead to insufficient air combustion in local areas of the combustion chamber, and the fuel decomposes under high temperature and oxygen deficiency, aggregating to form carbon black (carbon black). Carbon smoke is not pure carbon, but a polymer, mainly composed of carbon (over 85%), but also contains a small amount of oxygen, hydrogen, and ash, and its composition varies with the load of the diesel engine. Collect black smoke through a filter and observe it under an electron microscope. It can be seen that the diameter of large soot particles is 0.05 μ About m. The high-temperature cracking reaction of combustion in diesel engines is inevitable, especially in space mixed combustion diesel engines where high-temperature gases surround liquid oil droplets, creating favorable conditions for cracking reaction. High speed photography of the combustion process confirms that a large amount of black smoke appears near the top dead center. However, in general, carbon smoke can find air in the subsequent combustion and completely burn, leaving the exhaust without black smoke. However, if there is insufficient air in the cylinder and the mixing process progresses slowly, the temperature of the cylinder will decrease due to expansion, and the carbon will not burn and will aggregate into soot. The formation of soot leads to incomplete combustion, a decrease in diesel engine economy, an increase in exhaust temperature, black smoke emitted from the exhaust, charcoal on the surface of the combustion chamber, and the inability to further increase the load. Carbon accumulation can also cause piston rings or pistons to get stuck, valves to bite, and other malfunctions. Therefore, diesel engines are not allowed to operate under prolonged overload conditions.
5、 油箱內(nèi)為什么會有水,如何防止?
5. Why is there water in the fuel tank and how to prevent it?
Answer: Qualified fuel will not contain impurities and moisture when leaving the factory, but it will be mixed with dust, dirt, and moisture to some extent during transportation and storage; When the fuel tank is full, water in the air inside the tank is prone to forming condensed droplets that mix with the fuel. The following points should be noted in the use and storage of fuel:
1) Fuel should be stored in the fuel tank for at least 24 hours to allow water and impurities to settle before use;
2) After each work, try to fill the daily fuel tank as much as possible to prevent water from the air in the tank from mixing with the fuel;
3) When injecting oil, first wipe the funnel and oil tank end cover clean. When using a hand pump, be careful not to extract the lower sediment together;
4) Regularly open the fuel tank drain cock to remove accumulated water and sediment.
6. What fault can cause the motor (electric ball) group to start an accident where the transmission gear of the motor teeth?
答:蓄電池電力不足蓄電池溫度過高; 啟動電機(jī)繼電器不工作 ;啟動馬達(dá)傳動齒輪與飛輪齒圈不能嚙合; 啟動電機(jī)進(jìn)入嚙合柴油機(jī)不能轉(zhuǎn)動或轉(zhuǎn)動無力; 啟動電機(jī)不轉(zhuǎn); 啟動失效; 柴油機(jī)運轉(zhuǎn)后和啟動電機(jī)不能分離;
Answer: Insufficient battery power, high battery temperature; The starting motor relay does not work; The transmission gear of the starting motor cannot mesh with the flywheel ring gear; The starting motor cannot rotate or the rotation is weak when entering the meshing diesel engine; The starting motor does not rotate; Start failure; The diesel engine cannot be separated from the starting motor after operation;
7. What are the main reasons for AVR damage?
Answer: The AVR circuit consists of three parts: a rectifier main circuit, a voltage detection circuit, and a comparison control circuit; In terms of excluding the possibility of damage caused by the quality of the original electrical components themselves, in the entire AVR circuit, the working frequency of the main circuit and the comparative control circuit varies greatly; The rectifier bridge in the main circuit and the transistor in the comparison circuit fluctuate more frequently, accounting for over 90% of the damage rate of the entire AVR; Considering that the AVR on imported generators is a non repairable accessory that needs to be replaced if damaged, we mainly analyze the reasons for the damage to the AVR on the generator. It is important to avoid AVR damage as much as possible. As long as it is used properly, the service life of the AVR can be improved. The more stable the voltage of the generator, the smaller the frequency of variation within the AVR; The smaller the switching action of transistors in the comparison circuit, the lower the probability of AVR damage; The output load is relatively stable, and the smaller the frequency of variation within the AVR, the smaller the switching action of the transistors in the comparison circuit, and the lower the probability of AVR damage; The more stable the speed of a diesel engine, the smaller the oscillation impact of the changing current on AVR; Frequent "traveling" and overload, as well as large differences in three-phase loads, are the main reasons for AVR damage; Choose a generator set with E, F, and C fuel systems, as the frequency variation is small, the use of AVR will be more reliable.
8. What are the conditions for merging two generator sets? What device is used to complete the parallel operation?
Answer: The condition for parallel operation is that the instantaneous voltage, frequency, and phase of the two machines are the same. Commonly known as "three simultaneities". Use a dedicated parallel device to complete the parallel operation. It is generally recommended to use fully automatic parallel cabinets. Try not to manually merge machines. The success or failure of manual parallel operation depends on human experience. Based on more than 20 years of experience in power work, the author boldly states that the reliable success rate of manual parallel operation of diesel generators is equal to 0. We cannot apply the concept of manual parallel operation to a small power supply system based on the availability of a large power supply system, as the protection levels of the two are completely different.
9. Why is it necessary to tighten all electrical contacts after every 200 hours of operation of the unit?
Answer: The diesel generator set belongs to the vibration working device. And many domestically produced or assembled units should use double nuts without use. The use of spring washers is useless. Once the electrical fasteners loosen, it will generate a large contact resistance, leading to abnormal operation of the unit.
10. Why must the generator (electric ball) room be clean and free of floating sand on the ground?
Answer: If a diesel engine sucks in dirty air, it will cause a decrease in power; If the generator sucks in impurities such as sand particles, it can damage the insulation between the stator and rotor gaps, and in severe cases, cause burning.
11. How do UPS and diesel generators match in power to ensure stable UPS output?
Answer: 1) UPS is generally expressed in terms of apparent power KVA. First, multiply it by 0.8 to convert it into a unit of KW that is consistent with the active power of the generator.
2) If a general generator is used, the active power of the UPS is multiplied by 2 to determine the power of the allocated generator, which is twice the power of the UPS.
3) If a generator with PMG (permanent magnet excitation) is used, the generator power is determined by multiplying the UPS power by 1.2, i.e. the generator power is 1.2 times the UPS power.
12、 一臺發(fā)電機(jī)組的頻率、電壓均不穩(wěn)定其問題在于發(fā)動機(jī)還是發(fā)電機(jī)?
12. The frequency and voltage of a generator set are unstable, and the problem lies in the engine or generator?
Answer: It's the engine.
13、 一臺發(fā)電機(jī)組的頻率穩(wěn)定,電壓不穩(wěn)定其問題在于發(fā)動機(jī)還是發(fā)電機(jī)?
13. The frequency of a generator set is stable, but the voltage is unstable. Is the problem with the engine or the generator?
Answer: It's about the generator
14、 發(fā)電機(jī)失磁是怎么回事,應(yīng)怎么處理?
14. What is the cause of generator loss of excitation and how should we handle it?
Answer: If the generator is not used for a long time, the residual magnetism contained in the iron core before leaving the factory will be lost, and the excitation coil will not establish the necessary magnetic field. At this time, the engine will run normally but cannot generate electricity, which is a new phenomenon. There are many units that may not be used for a long time. Handling method:
1) If the unit is equipped with an excitation button, press the excitation button once
2) If there is no excitation button, use an electric battery to magnetize it;
3) Carry a light bulb load and operate at overspeed for a few seconds.
15. What is the load sequence after power on and on?
Answer: The load should be carried in order from high to low.
16. What is the unloading sequence before the machine?
Answer: Remove the load from small to large, and then turn it off.
17. Why can't I turn off and on with load?
Answer: Shutdown with load is an emergency shutdown that has a significant impact on the unit. Starting on load is a violation of regulations that can cause damage to both power generation and electrical equipment.
18. What is the so-called three-phase four wire system?
Answer: There are 4 outgoing lines for the generator set, of which 3 are live wires and 1 is zero wire. The voltage between the live wire is 380V. The voltage between the live line and the zero line is 220V.
19. What is a three-phase short circuit? What are the consequences?
Answer: A direct short circuit between live wires without any load is a three-phase short circuit. The consequences are very terrifying, and in severe cases, it can lead to aircraft damage and human death.
20、所謂倒送電是怎么回事? 會產(chǎn)生哪兩種嚴(yán)重后果?
20. What is the so-called reverse power transmission? What are the two serious consequences that can arise?
答: 自備發(fā)電機(jī)(電球)向市網(wǎng)送電的情況叫倒送電。其嚴(yán)重后果有兩種:
Answer: The situation where a self-contained generator (electric ball) sends electricity to the city network is called reverse power transmission. There are two serious consequences:
市網(wǎng)未停電,其市網(wǎng)電源與自備發(fā)電機(jī)電源產(chǎn)生非同期并機(jī),必毀壞機(jī)組。若自備發(fā)電機(jī)容量較大,還會使市網(wǎng)發(fā)生震蕩。b) 市網(wǎng)已停電正在檢修,其自備發(fā)電機(jī)倒送電。則會使供電部門檢修人員觸電身亡。
If there is no power outage in the city grid, the power supply of the city grid and the power supply of the self-provided generator will cause asynchronous parallel operation, which will inevitably damage the unit. If the capacity of the self-provided generator is large, it can also cause oscillations in the city network. b) The city power grid has been cut off and is undergoing maintenance, with its own generator being powered back. It will cause electric shock to the maintenance personnel of the power supply department.