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Description of mine gas:
瓦斯主要成分是甲烷(CH4),它是無色無味無嗅可燃的氣體,爆炸條件:濃度在 5%~16%, 氧氣大于 12%,遇明火或者溫度 650℃至 750℃就引起爆炸,濃度 9.5% 爆炸威力大;當(dāng)濃度大于 16% 時,燃燒不爆炸。主要由煤體或者腐爛植物產(chǎn)生,存在狀態(tài):吸伏式和游離式。瓦斯氣在煤礦井下是煤礦工人第敵,由于地質(zhì)、環(huán)境、空氣、工作場所復(fù)雜等多種原因,有一定濃度瓦斯,遇到明火就會爆炸,是礦難主要原因。為了從根本上控制重特大瓦斯爆炸事故的發(fā)生,國家煤礦安全監(jiān)察局提出了瓦斯治理的十二字方針,即“先抽后采,監(jiān)測監(jiān)控,以風(fēng)定產(chǎn)”。
The main component of gas is methane (CH4), which is a colorless, odorless, odorless, and flammable gas. Explosion conditions include a concentration of 5% to 16%, oxygen greater than 12%, and exposure to open flames or temperatures ranging from 650 ℃ to 750 ℃, causing an explosion. The concentration of 9.5% has a high explosive power; When the concentration is greater than 16%, combustion does not explode. Mainly produced by coal or decaying plants, present in two states: trapped and free. Gas is the first natural enemy of coal miners in coal mines. Due to various factors such as geology, environment, air, and complex workplaces, there is a certain concentration of gas that can explode when encountering open flames, which is the main cause of mining accidents. In order to fundamentally control the occurrence of major gas explosion accidents, the National Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau has proposed a twelve character policy for gas control, which is "pumping first and then mining, monitoring and monitoring, and determining production based on wind".
The gas resources are abundant, with 36.8 trillion cubic meters of onshore coalbed methane resources, which is equivalent to the conventional natural gas resources on land (38 trillion cubic meters), second only to Russia and Canada., The development and utilization of gas resources are of great significance in alleviating the tight energy supply situation in China.
Introduction to Gas Generator Unit:
礦井瓦斯發(fā)電機(jī)組,是以成熟的內(nèi)燃機(jī)技術(shù)為基礎(chǔ),利用煤礦抽排瓦斯為燃料驅(qū)動燃?xì)獍l(fā)動機(jī)工作,結(jié)合煤礦瓦斯的特點(diǎn)對柴油發(fā)電機(jī)組加以改造而成的。由原來燃油改為燃燒瓦斯,發(fā)動機(jī)驅(qū)動發(fā)電機(jī)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)達(dá)到由機(jī)械能轉(zhuǎn)化為電能的目的。一般瓦斯?jié)舛仍?%-25%之間的煤礦均可發(fā)電,綠環(huán)提供功率為400kw-1200kw的礦井發(fā)電機(jī)組,具體可咨詢山東綠環(huán)(15165044999 經(jīng)理)。
The mine gas generator set is based on the mature internal combustion engine technology, uses the coal mine gas drainage as the fuel to drive the gas engine to work, and combines the characteristics of coal mine gas to transform the diesel generator set. Changing from fuel to gas combustion, the engine drives the generator to operate, achieving the goal of converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. Generally, coal mines with gas concentrations ranging from 6% to 25% can generate electricity. Green Ring provides coal mine power generation units with a power range of 400kw-1200kw. For specific information, please consult Manager Wang of Shandong Green Ring (15165044999).
Gas generator unit requirements for gas:
■在距離燃?xì)鈾C(jī)組燃?xì)膺M(jìn)氣閥 1m 內(nèi)
Within 1m from the gas inlet valve of the gas turbine
◎瓦斯溫度≤ 40℃;
Gas temperature ≤ 40 ℃;
◎瓦斯壓力 3 ~ 20kpa,壓力變化率≤ 1kpa/min;
◎ Gas pressure of 3-20kpa, pressure change rate ≤ 1kpa/min;
◎ H2S ≤ 200mg/Nm3;
◎ H2S ≤ 200mg/Nm3;
◎?qū)τ?CH4 體積含量≤ 30% 的瓦斯,CH4 與 O2 體積含量之和≥ 28%, O2 體積含量≥ 16%;
For gas with a CH4 volume content of ≤ 30%, the sum of CH4 and O2 volume content is ≥ 28%, and the O2 volume content is ≥ 16%;
◎瓦斯中水分含量≤ 40g/Nm3;
Moisture content in gas ≤ 40g/Nm3;
◎雜質(zhì)粒度≤ 5μm, 雜質(zhì)含量≤ 30mg/Nm3;
◎ Impurity particle size ≤ 5 μ m. Impurity content ≤ 30mg/Nm3;
If the sulfur and ammonia components in the combustible gas are high, it will not only seriously corrode the spark plug electrode, but also increase the acid value in the engine oil, corrode the internal parts of the unit, and easily generate sediment, increasing wear and corrosion of the engine
This article is dedicated to the friendship of gas generator units. For more relevant knowledge, please click on: http://www.vw95.cn Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned
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Description of mine gas:
瓦斯主要成分是甲烷(CH4),它是無色無味無嗅可燃的氣體,爆炸條件:濃度在 5%~16%, 氧氣大于 12%,遇明火或者溫度 650℃至 750℃就引起爆炸,濃度 9.5% 爆炸威力大;當(dāng)濃度大于 16% 時,燃燒不爆炸。主要由煤體或者腐爛植物產(chǎn)生,存在狀態(tài):吸伏式和游離式。瓦斯氣在煤礦井下是煤礦工人第敵,由于地質(zhì)、環(huán)境、空氣、工作場所復(fù)雜等多種原因,有一定濃度瓦斯,遇到明火就會爆炸,是礦難主要原因。為了從根本上控制重特大瓦斯爆炸事故的發(fā)生,國家煤礦安全監(jiān)察局提出了瓦斯治理的十二字方針,即“先抽后采,監(jiān)測監(jiān)控,以風(fēng)定產(chǎn)”。
The main component of gas is methane (CH4), which is a colorless, odorless, odorless, and flammable gas. Explosion conditions include a concentration of 5% to 16%, oxygen greater than 12%, and exposure to open flames or temperatures ranging from 650 ℃ to 750 ℃, causing an explosion. The concentration of 9.5% has a high explosive power; When the concentration is greater than 16%, combustion does not explode. Mainly produced by coal or decaying plants, present in two states: trapped and free. Gas is the first natural enemy of coal miners in coal mines. Due to various factors such as geology, environment, air, and complex workplaces, there is a certain concentration of gas that can explode when encountering open flames, which is the main cause of mining accidents. In order to fundamentally control the occurrence of major gas explosion accidents, the National Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau has proposed a twelve character policy for gas control, which is "pumping first and then mining, monitoring and monitoring, and determining production based on wind".
The gas resources are abundant, with 36.8 trillion cubic meters of onshore coalbed methane resources, which is equivalent to the conventional natural gas resources on land (38 trillion cubic meters), second only to Russia and Canada., The development and utilization of gas resources are of great significance in alleviating the tight energy supply situation in China.
Introduction to Gas Generator Unit:
礦井瓦斯發(fā)電機(jī)組,是以成熟的內(nèi)燃機(jī)技術(shù)為基礎(chǔ),利用煤礦抽排瓦斯為燃料驅(qū)動燃?xì)獍l(fā)動機(jī)工作,結(jié)合煤礦瓦斯的特點(diǎn)對柴油發(fā)電機(jī)組加以改造而成的。由原來燃油改為燃燒瓦斯,發(fā)動機(jī)驅(qū)動發(fā)電機(jī)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)達(dá)到由機(jī)械能轉(zhuǎn)化為電能的目的。一般瓦斯?jié)舛仍?%-25%之間的煤礦均可發(fā)電,綠環(huán)提供功率為400kw-1200kw的礦井發(fā)電機(jī)組,具體可咨詢山東綠環(huán)(15165044999 經(jīng)理)。
The mine gas generator set is based on the mature internal combustion engine technology, uses the coal mine gas drainage as the fuel to drive the gas engine to work, and combines the characteristics of coal mine gas to transform the diesel generator set. Changing from fuel to gas combustion, the engine drives the generator to operate, achieving the goal of converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. Generally, coal mines with gas concentrations ranging from 6% to 25% can generate electricity. Green Ring provides coal mine power generation units with a power range of 400kw-1200kw. For specific information, please consult Manager Wang of Shandong Green Ring (15165044999).
Gas generator unit requirements for gas:
■在距離燃?xì)鈾C(jī)組燃?xì)膺M(jìn)氣閥 1m 內(nèi)
Within 1m from the gas inlet valve of the gas turbine
◎瓦斯溫度≤ 40℃;
Gas temperature ≤ 40 ℃;
◎瓦斯壓力 3 ~ 20kpa,壓力變化率≤ 1kpa/min;
◎ Gas pressure of 3-20kpa, pressure change rate ≤ 1kpa/min;
◎ H2S ≤ 200mg/Nm3;
◎ H2S ≤ 200mg/Nm3;
◎?qū)τ?CH4 體積含量≤ 30% 的瓦斯,CH4 與 O2 體積含量之和≥ 28%, O2 體積含量≥ 16%;
For gas with a CH4 volume content of ≤ 30%, the sum of CH4 and O2 volume content is ≥ 28%, and the O2 volume content is ≥ 16%;
◎瓦斯中水分含量≤ 40g/Nm3;
Moisture content in gas ≤ 40g/Nm3;
◎雜質(zhì)粒度≤ 5μm, 雜質(zhì)含量≤ 30mg/Nm3;
◎ Impurity particle size ≤ 5 μ m. Impurity content ≤ 30mg/Nm3;
If the sulfur and ammonia components in the combustible gas are high, it will not only seriously corrode the spark plug electrode, but also increase the acid value in the engine oil, corrode the internal parts of the unit, and easily generate sediment, increasing wear and corrosion of the engine
This article is dedicated to the friendship of gas generator units. For more relevant knowledge, please click on: http://www.vw95.cn Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned