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返回 2022.10.22 來源:http://www.vw95.cn 0
Clean impurities in the oil tank in time to avoid inaccurate oil supply time; Timely remove the carbon deposits, because the temperature of relevant components will rise when the generator is working, which may easily cause the ash carbon polymer to adhere to the valve and other places, so it should be cleaned in time; Keep the water temperature, and the cooling water temperature of the generator is about 45-65 ℃; Regular inspection, regular inspection and adjustment of valve clearance, injection pressure, oil supply time, etc. can keep the generator in good working condition.
1、 Keep generator clean
After the oil tank of coking generator unit has been used for a period of time, some minerals or impurities will be deposited at the bottom of the tank, which should be removed or purified regularly. Otherwise, it will have a huge impact on the normal operation of the plunger and fuel injector, causing inaccurate fuel supply time, uneven fuel supply, poor fuel atomization and other phenomena, resulting in increased fuel consumption and reduced power.
2、 Timely remove carbon deposits
During the operation of the generator, the temperature of all relevant components will rise during the combustion process, causing the ash carbon polymer to adhere to the valve, valve seat, fuel injection nozzle, piston top and other places. If it is not cleaned in time, it will increase the fuel consumption and seriously affect the normal operation of the engine. Therefore, the carbon deposit should be removed in a timely manner. It is recommended that it be removed once every six months.
一般情況下,建議是 4-6 個(gè)月清除一次。
In general, it is recommended to clean it once every 4-6 months.
3、 Maintain water temperature
The cooling water temperature of the generator engine of the coking generator set is about 45-65 ℃. If the water temperature is too low, it will cause incomplete combustion of the generator and increase the load of the machine itself. It is recommended to use "soft water" (such as distilled water and rain water) without minerals for cooling water, instead of abusing sewage and muddy water.
Generator maintenance
4、 Do not overload
The overload operation of the small horse pulling cart has turned quite a number of generators into black smoke, which has not played its due role, increased fuel consumption and shortened the service life of relevant parts.
5、 Regular inspection
Attention shall be paid to the maintenance of the generator. The valve clearance, oil injection pressure, oil supply time, etc. shall be checked and adjusted regularly, and the scale and dirt of the cooling water jacket shall be removed in time.
Some parts, such as valves and fuel injection nozzles, need to be repaired or replaced. Important parts should always be in good use to avoid being helpless in an emergency. Follow us http://www.vw95.cn , learn more about it!
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Clean impurities in the oil tank in time to avoid inaccurate oil supply time; Timely remove the carbon deposits, because the temperature of relevant components will rise when the generator is working, which may easily cause the ash carbon polymer to adhere to the valve and other places, so it should be cleaned in time; Keep the water temperature, and the cooling water temperature of the generator is about 45-65 ℃; Regular inspection, regular inspection and adjustment of valve clearance, injection pressure, oil supply time, etc. can keep the generator in good working condition.
1、 Keep generator clean
After the oil tank of coking generator unit has been used for a period of time, some minerals or impurities will be deposited at the bottom of the tank, which should be removed or purified regularly. Otherwise, it will have a huge impact on the normal operation of the plunger and fuel injector, causing inaccurate fuel supply time, uneven fuel supply, poor fuel atomization and other phenomena, resulting in increased fuel consumption and reduced power.
2、 Timely remove carbon deposits
During the operation of the generator, the temperature of all relevant components will rise during the combustion process, causing the ash carbon polymer to adhere to the valve, valve seat, fuel injection nozzle, piston top and other places. If it is not cleaned in time, it will increase the fuel consumption and seriously affect the normal operation of the engine. Therefore, the carbon deposit should be removed in a timely manner. It is recommended that it be removed once every six months.
一般情況下,建議是 4-6 個(gè)月清除一次。
In general, it is recommended to clean it once every 4-6 months.
3、 Maintain water temperature
The cooling water temperature of the generator engine of the coking generator set is about 45-65 ℃. If the water temperature is too low, it will cause incomplete combustion of the generator and increase the load of the machine itself. It is recommended to use "soft water" (such as distilled water and rain water) without minerals for cooling water, instead of abusing sewage and muddy water.
Generator maintenance
4、 Do not overload
The overload operation of the small horse pulling cart has turned quite a number of generators into black smoke, which has not played its due role, increased fuel consumption and shortened the service life of relevant parts.
5、 Regular inspection
Attention shall be paid to the maintenance of the generator. The valve clearance, oil injection pressure, oil supply time, etc. shall be checked and adjusted regularly, and the scale and dirt of the cooling water jacket shall be removed in time.
Some parts, such as valves and fuel injection nozzles, need to be repaired or replaced. Important parts should always be in good use to avoid being helpless in an emergency. Follow us http://www.vw95.cn , learn more about it!