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返回 2021.05.17 來(lái)源:http://www.vw95.cn 0
When the outside temperature drops to - 10 ° When the temperature is below C, the diesel generator set is in low temperature weather, so it is difficult to start the diesel engine cold; When the temperature drops to - 40 ° C below, if you do not take some low-temperature start-up measures, the diesel engine will not start at all
(1) Hot water pre heating method
此種方法適用于采用軟 化熱水作為冷 卻液,且軟 化熱水比較方便的單位。具體做法是:先向冷卻系加注40~50°的溫水(以防猛加沸水使水散熱器芯管、汽缸蓋發(fā)生脹裂),然后連續(xù)加熱水(讓水流出缸體),逐漸提高水溫進(jìn)行預(yù)熱。當(dāng)流出的水溫度較高時(shí)再關(guān)閉放水開關(guān)即可。
This method is suitable for the unit that uses softened hot water as coolant and softened hot water is more convenient. The specific method is as follows: fill 40 ~ 50 oil into the cooling system first ° Then continuously heat the water (let the water flow out of the cylinder block), and gradually increase the water temperature for preheating. When the temperature of the outflow water is high, turn off the drain switch.、
(2) Steam preheating method
即讓蒸汽通過(guò)管道從水散熱器的下水管進(jìn)入冷 卻系,或直接進(jìn)入燃?xì)獍l(fā)電機(jī)組冷 卻水套,用蒸汽預(yù)熱柴油機(jī)汽缸體。此種方法適用于采用軟化水作為冷 卻液的情況。
That is to say, let the steam enter the cooling system from the down pipe of the water radiator through the pipe, or directly enter the cooling water jacket of the gas generator set, and preheat the cylinder block of the diesel engine with steam. This method is suitable for the use of softened water as coolant.
(3) Using forced circulation fuel heater
該方法是利用隨機(jī)柴油,通過(guò)燃油加熱器附帶的水泵將柴油機(jī)冷  卻系統(tǒng)內(nèi)的冷 卻液抽出,經(jīng)過(guò)加熱器輻射加熱后再循環(huán)至柴油機(jī)汽缸內(nèi),此時(shí)汽缸、活塞、活塞環(huán)以及其它摩擦副的溫度隨之升高。這種方式能將柴油機(jī)汽缸體溫度加熱到40~50°C左右。柴油機(jī)的機(jī)油得到加熱后黏度降低,柴油機(jī)的潤(rùn)滑條件得到改善。
In this method, the coolant in the cooling system of the diesel engine is pumped out by the pump attached to the fuel heater, and then recycled to the cylinder of the diesel engine after being radiated and heated by the heater. At this time, the temperature of the cylinder, piston, piston ring and other friction pairs increases. In this way, the temperature of diesel engine cylinder block can be heated to 40 ~ 50 ℃ ° About C. The viscosity of diesel engine oil decreases after heating, and the lubrication condition of diesel engine is improved.
(4) Installation of spiral resistance heater in intake pipe
The device is powered by storage battery. Before starting, the power supply is switched on for 10 ~ 30s to heat the screw resistor, so as to heat the air entering the cylinder and increase the gas temperature in the cylinder when the compression is finished.
(5) Hot water is used to iron the intake manifold, that is, after hot water is used to iron the intake manifold, the air entering the cylinder is preheated to increase the temperature of the compressed air at the end of compression,
It is good for diesel ignition.
(6) Install screw type resistor in oil pan
The resistor can heat the oil in the oil pan, reduce the viscosity of the oil and the starting resistance. When using this method, the heating time should be controlled to avoid oil aging and deterioration due to too long heating time and too high oil temperature.
  • 服務(wù)熱線



When the outside temperature drops to - 10 ° When the temperature is below C, the diesel generator set is in low temperature weather, so it is difficult to start the diesel engine cold; When the temperature drops to - 40 ° C below, if you do not take some low-temperature start-up measures, the diesel engine will not start at all
(1) Hot water pre heating method
此種方法適用于采用軟 化熱水作為冷 卻液,且軟 化熱水比較方便的單位。具體做法是:先向冷卻系加注40~50°的溫水(以防猛加沸水使水散熱器芯管、汽缸蓋發(fā)生脹裂),然后連續(xù)加熱水(讓水流出缸體),逐漸提高水溫進(jìn)行預(yù)熱。當(dāng)流出的水溫度較高時(shí)再關(guān)閉放水開關(guān)即可。
This method is suitable for the unit that uses softened hot water as coolant and softened hot water is more convenient. The specific method is as follows: fill 40 ~ 50 oil into the cooling system first ° Then continuously heat the water (let the water flow out of the cylinder block), and gradually increase the water temperature for preheating. When the temperature of the outflow water is high, turn off the drain switch.、
(2) Steam preheating method
即讓蒸汽通過(guò)管道從水散熱器的下水管進(jìn)入冷 卻系,或直接進(jìn)入燃?xì)獍l(fā)電機(jī)組冷 卻水套,用蒸汽預(yù)熱柴油機(jī)汽缸體。此種方法適用于采用軟化水作為冷 卻液的情況。
That is to say, let the steam enter the cooling system from the down pipe of the water radiator through the pipe, or directly enter the cooling water jacket of the gas generator set, and preheat the cylinder block of the diesel engine with steam. This method is suitable for the use of softened water as coolant.
(3) Using forced circulation fuel heater
該方法是利用隨機(jī)柴油,通過(guò)燃油加熱器附帶的水泵將柴油機(jī)冷  卻系統(tǒng)內(nèi)的冷 卻液抽出,經(jīng)過(guò)加熱器輻射加熱后再循環(huán)至柴油機(jī)汽缸內(nèi),此時(shí)汽缸、活塞、活塞環(huán)以及其它摩擦副的溫度隨之升高。這種方式能將柴油機(jī)汽缸體溫度加熱到40~50°C左右。柴油機(jī)的機(jī)油得到加熱后黏度降低,柴油機(jī)的潤(rùn)滑條件得到改善。
In this method, the coolant in the cooling system of the diesel engine is pumped out by the pump attached to the fuel heater, and then recycled to the cylinder of the diesel engine after being radiated and heated by the heater. At this time, the temperature of the cylinder, piston, piston ring and other friction pairs increases. In this way, the temperature of diesel engine cylinder block can be heated to 40 ~ 50 ℃ ° About C. The viscosity of diesel engine oil decreases after heating, and the lubrication condition of diesel engine is improved.
(4) Installation of spiral resistance heater in intake pipe
The device is powered by storage battery. Before starting, the power supply is switched on for 10 ~ 30s to heat the screw resistor, so as to heat the air entering the cylinder and increase the gas temperature in the cylinder when the compression is finished.
(5) Hot water is used to iron the intake manifold, that is, after hot water is used to iron the intake manifold, the air entering the cylinder is preheated to increase the temperature of the compressed air at the end of compression,
It is good for diesel ignition.
(6) Install screw type resistor in oil pan
The resistor can heat the oil in the oil pan, reduce the viscosity of the oil and the starting resistance. When using this method, the heating time should be controlled to avoid oil aging and deterioration due to too long heating time and too high oil temperature.