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返回 2021.04.29 來源:http://www.vw95.cn 0
At present, only about 35% of the fuel energy is converted into electric energy by the gas-fired generator set, about 30% is discharged with the exhaust gas, 25% is taken away by the cooling water of the gas-fired generator set, and other losses through the fuselage account for about 10%. The power lost by the exhaust gas and heat exchanger is more than the useful work.
在我國,目前占燃?xì)獍l(fā)電機(jī)組燃料近55%熱值的廢氣和冷 卻水余熱資源基本上被白白浪費(fèi)掉,燃?xì)獍l(fā)電機(jī)組余熱利用技術(shù)的就是來實(shí)現(xiàn)將原本白白浪費(fèi)掉的熱資源充分利用的系統(tǒng)。
In China, the waste heat resources of exhaust gas and cooling water, which account for nearly 55% of the calorific value of gas-fired generator fuel, are basically wasted. The purpose of waste heat utilization technology of gas-fired generator is to make full use of the wasted heat resources.
With the improvement of the quality of life, refrigeration and heating are more and more popular, and the energy consumption is increasing. At the same time, the waste heat resources of gas-fired generating units have not been comprehensively utilized, which consumes a lot of energy. According to the current situation of waste heat utilization of gas-fired generating units, our company has developed a set of heat pipe type waste heat boiler and heat pipe heat exchanger for waste heat utilization of gas-fired generating units. The superheated steam and hot water generated are used for waste heat power generation and internal CCHP.
At the same time of generating electricity by gas-fired unit, the heat of unit exhaust gas is used as energy. The flue gas passes through heat pipe waste heat boiler and heat pipe heat exchanger to heat medium water. The superheated steam generated by heat pipe waste heat boiler is used for waste heat power generation. The hot water generated by heat pipe heat exchanger is cooled or heated by lithium bromide water chiller, and the system is stable
The comprehensive utilization of heat energy of gas-fired generator sets mainly starts from three aspects: power supply, heating and bathing, and air conditioning and refrigeration in summer. In the design process of comprehensive utilization, the following factors should be fully considered:
a. It should be avoided to have a great impact on the performance of gas-fired generating units, that is, it will not affect the normal operation and power output of gas-fired generating units;
b. The distance between the exhaust main pipe and the waste heat utilization system should be as short as possible, and the heat insulation of the exhaust pipe should be fully considered to reduce the heat loss from the exhaust outlet of the gas generator unit to the heat pipe waste heat boiler;
c. It is necessary to consider the influence of the load change of gas-fired generating units on waste heat power generation, refrigeration and heating, so as to avoid excessive refrigeration (or heating) or insufficient capacity due to load change;
d. Considering the large control range, many items and difficult operation of the whole process, the whole system should implement electrical automation control and monitoring as far as possible;
e、整套系統(tǒng)應(yīng)充分考慮維護(hù)操作以及使用的安 全性。
e. The safety of maintenance operation and use shall be fully considered for the whole system.
  • 服務(wù)熱線



At present, only about 35% of the fuel energy is converted into electric energy by the gas-fired generator set, about 30% is discharged with the exhaust gas, 25% is taken away by the cooling water of the gas-fired generator set, and other losses through the fuselage account for about 10%. The power lost by the exhaust gas and heat exchanger is more than the useful work.
在我國,目前占燃?xì)獍l(fā)電機(jī)組燃料近55%熱值的廢氣和冷 卻水余熱資源基本上被白白浪費(fèi)掉,燃?xì)獍l(fā)電機(jī)組余熱利用技術(shù)的就是來實(shí)現(xiàn)將原本白白浪費(fèi)掉的熱資源充分利用的系統(tǒng)。
In China, the waste heat resources of exhaust gas and cooling water, which account for nearly 55% of the calorific value of gas-fired generator fuel, are basically wasted. The purpose of waste heat utilization technology of gas-fired generator is to make full use of the wasted heat resources.
With the improvement of the quality of life, refrigeration and heating are more and more popular, and the energy consumption is increasing. At the same time, the waste heat resources of gas-fired generating units have not been comprehensively utilized, which consumes a lot of energy. According to the current situation of waste heat utilization of gas-fired generating units, our company has developed a set of heat pipe type waste heat boiler and heat pipe heat exchanger for waste heat utilization of gas-fired generating units. The superheated steam and hot water generated are used for waste heat power generation and internal CCHP.
At the same time of generating electricity by gas-fired unit, the heat of unit exhaust gas is used as energy. The flue gas passes through heat pipe waste heat boiler and heat pipe heat exchanger to heat medium water. The superheated steam generated by heat pipe waste heat boiler is used for waste heat power generation. The hot water generated by heat pipe heat exchanger is cooled or heated by lithium bromide water chiller, and the system is stable
The comprehensive utilization of heat energy of gas-fired generator sets mainly starts from three aspects: power supply, heating and bathing, and air conditioning and refrigeration in summer. In the design process of comprehensive utilization, the following factors should be fully considered:
a. It should be avoided to have a great impact on the performance of gas-fired generating units, that is, it will not affect the normal operation and power output of gas-fired generating units;
b. The distance between the exhaust main pipe and the waste heat utilization system should be as short as possible, and the heat insulation of the exhaust pipe should be fully considered to reduce the heat loss from the exhaust outlet of the gas generator unit to the heat pipe waste heat boiler;
c. It is necessary to consider the influence of the load change of gas-fired generating units on waste heat power generation, refrigeration and heating, so as to avoid excessive refrigeration (or heating) or insufficient capacity due to load change;
d. Considering the large control range, many items and difficult operation of the whole process, the whole system should implement electrical automation control and monitoring as far as possible;
e、整套系統(tǒng)應(yīng)充分考慮維護(hù)操作以及使用的安 全性。
e. The safety of maintenance operation and use shall be fully considered for the whole system.