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返回 2020.12.31 來(lái)源:http://www.vw95.cn 0
1、 Requirements of biogas for biogas power generation
沼氣中雜質(zhì)含量如 Si 、HS 等應(yīng)控制在一定的范圍內(nèi),沼氣的溫度為 10~60 ℃,壓力為0~5kpa ,具體見(jiàn)沼氣的氣質(zhì)要求,一般禽畜糞厭氧處理的沼氣都能滿足發(fā)電的氣質(zhì)要求,污水處理沼氣需要脫硫等處理,垃圾填埋沼氣需要脫水等處理。
The content of impurities such as Si and HS in biogas should be controlled within a certain range. The temperature of biogas is 10 ~ 60 ℃ and the pressure is 0 ~ 5kpa. See the gas quality requirements of biogas for details. Generally, the biogas from anaerobic treatment of livestock manure can meet the gas quality requirements of power generation. The biogas from sewage treatment needs desulfurization and other treatment, and the biogas from landfill needs dehydration and other treatment.
2、 Biogas treatment
Biogas - dehydration or desulfurization - gas water separation - Filtration - compressor - gas water separation - cooling - regulator valve - generator; indoor part: generator set - circulating cooling system - generator set - distribution room - to users or to transformer
沼氣發(fā)電機(jī)組產(chǎn)品特點(diǎn)是安全性高 ;第二特點(diǎn)是可靠性好 ,故障率低,年運(yùn)行時(shí)間長(zhǎng),停機(jī)時(shí)間短,相應(yīng)機(jī)組的經(jīng)濟(jì)效益好;第三特點(diǎn)是功率不打折扣 ,按 100% 機(jī)組提供的功率運(yùn)行。
The biggest feature of biogas generator set is high safety; the second feature is good reliability, low failure rate, long annual operation time, short downtime, and good economic benefits of corresponding units; the third feature is that the power is not discounted, and it operates according to the power provided by 100% units.
Biogas Generator Set 
Next, let's introduce the precautions for the operation of biogas generator set
Before operating the biogas generator set, the operator should be familiar with the relevant provisions in the manufacturer's operation manual to ensure the quality of power generation (such as voltage and frequency), and start the biogas generator set according to its scientific and reasonable operation procedures.
Operators must often check the air inlet pipeline of biogas generator set to prevent biogas leakage and excessive condensate from affecting the gas supply.
The biogas generator set just purchased has been in operation for 50 hours. It is recommended to carry out a routine maintenance, because the maintenance during the running in period is very important.
During the operation of biogas generator set, the operation of biogas generator set should be inspected frequently, and problems found should be timely adjusted or reported to relevant leaders.
During the operation of biogas generator, the personnel should control the maximum load of biogas generator at any time.
The filter device of biogas generator should be cleaned regularly.
The biogas inlet pressure of biogas generator shall not be lower than 1.8kpa.
Record the generator operation hours, biogas consumption and output power (number of watt hour meters) in each shift.
When the biogas generator is started or stopped, the valve should be opened and closed according to the operating procedures to ensure that the pressure in the biogas pipeline is always positive.
The opening and closing state of biogas pipe valve of biogas generator set should be marked clearly.
  • 服務(wù)熱線



1、 Requirements of biogas for biogas power generation
沼氣中雜質(zhì)含量如 Si 、HS 等應(yīng)控制在一定的范圍內(nèi),沼氣的溫度為 10~60 ℃,壓力為0~5kpa ,具體見(jiàn)沼氣的氣質(zhì)要求,一般禽畜糞厭氧處理的沼氣都能滿足發(fā)電的氣質(zhì)要求,污水處理沼氣需要脫硫等處理,垃圾填埋沼氣需要脫水等處理。
The content of impurities such as Si and HS in biogas should be controlled within a certain range. The temperature of biogas is 10 ~ 60 ℃ and the pressure is 0 ~ 5kpa. See the gas quality requirements of biogas for details. Generally, the biogas from anaerobic treatment of livestock manure can meet the gas quality requirements of power generation. The biogas from sewage treatment needs desulfurization and other treatment, and the biogas from landfill needs dehydration and other treatment.
2、 Biogas treatment
Biogas - dehydration or desulfurization - gas water separation - Filtration - compressor - gas water separation - cooling - regulator valve - generator; indoor part: generator set - circulating cooling system - generator set - distribution room - to users or to transformer
沼氣發(fā)電機(jī)組產(chǎn)品特點(diǎn)是安全性高 ;第二特點(diǎn)是可靠性好 ,故障率低,年運(yùn)行時(shí)間長(zhǎng),停機(jī)時(shí)間短,相應(yīng)機(jī)組的經(jīng)濟(jì)效益好;第三特點(diǎn)是功率不打折扣 ,按 100% 機(jī)組提供的功率運(yùn)行。
The biggest feature of biogas generator set is high safety; the second feature is good reliability, low failure rate, long annual operation time, short downtime, and good economic benefits of corresponding units; the third feature is that the power is not discounted, and it operates according to the power provided by 100% units.
Biogas Generator Set 
Next, let's introduce the precautions for the operation of biogas generator set
Before operating the biogas generator set, the operator should be familiar with the relevant provisions in the manufacturer's operation manual to ensure the quality of power generation (such as voltage and frequency), and start the biogas generator set according to its scientific and reasonable operation procedures.
Operators must often check the air inlet pipeline of biogas generator set to prevent biogas leakage and excessive condensate from affecting the gas supply.
The biogas generator set just purchased has been in operation for 50 hours. It is recommended to carry out a routine maintenance, because the maintenance during the running in period is very important.
During the operation of biogas generator set, the operation of biogas generator set should be inspected frequently, and problems found should be timely adjusted or reported to relevant leaders.
During the operation of biogas generator, the personnel should control the maximum load of biogas generator at any time.
The filter device of biogas generator should be cleaned regularly.
The biogas inlet pressure of biogas generator shall not be lower than 1.8kpa.
Record the generator operation hours, biogas consumption and output power (number of watt hour meters) in each shift.
When the biogas generator is started or stopped, the valve should be opened and closed according to the operating procedures to ensure that the pressure in the biogas pipeline is always positive.
The opening and closing state of biogas pipe valve of biogas generator set should be marked clearly.