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返回 2020.03.23 來源:http://www.vw95.cn 0
  The traditional 80 kW gas turbine generator is a typical example of large-scale power generation facilities. It can provide 1 to a few megawatts of power to meet the needs of almost all buildings, including office buildings, hospitals, schools and shops. The exhaust gas from the turbogenerator is the ideal heat source of the absorption chiller, which is used for cooling, heating and providing sanitary hot water. Compared with the waste gas of coal-fired power plant, the content of impurities and sulfur in the waste gas is very low, followed by the significant oxygen content, which can reach more than 15%, and can be used as the combustion air of direct fired machine for secondary combustion. Gas turbines are often used to regulate the peak power consumption in summer. However, due to the high temperature in summer, the output of gas turbine is seriously insufficient and the efficiency is reduced.
  Therefore, the output and efficiency of the turbogenerator can be greatly improved by using the exhaust refrigeration of the turbogenerator to cool the intake air of the turbogenerator. It has been proved to be a very effective way to save energy. Turbogenerator usually consists of turbine, gearbox, generator, intake supercharger and exhaust system. According to the different flow rate of the hydrogenerator, it can be divided into combined cycle, simple cycle and pre cycle. Steam is produced by waste heat boiler from the waste gas of gas turbine, which drives steam turbine to generate electricity or provides steam directly. It is a common process used in new power plant. Lithium bromide absorption chiller can realize the cold, heat and electricity three in one cycle by recycling the waste heat of gas turbine or waste heat boiler or the medium and low pressure steam of waste heat boiler.
  1、 Based on methane production
  如果沼氣產(chǎn)量大,而且沼氣發(fā)電機可以把電送到互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上,那么沼氣發(fā)電機就可以根據(jù)沼氣每小時產(chǎn)生的電量來計算發(fā)電。例如,每天的沼氣產(chǎn)量是12000立方米,也就是每小時500立方米。CH4含量按50%計算,發(fā)電量1000 KWH / h。因此,可以選擇兩臺500KW的沼氣發(fā)生器。
  If the biogas production is large, and the biogas generator can send the electricity to the Internet, then the biogas generator can calculate the power generation according to the hourly electricity generated by the biogas. For example, the biogas production per day is 12000 cubic meters, that is, 500 cubic meters per hour. CH4 content is calculated as 50%, and the generating capacity is 1000 kwh / h. Therefore, two 500kW biogas generators can be selected.
  2、 According to the power load
  該模型適用于小型沼氣生產(chǎn)單位,如大中型養(yǎng)殖場、沼氣發(fā)電機按負荷較集中時段計算大負荷。例如:沼氣產(chǎn)量每天1000立方,形成一套完整的300立方米的天然氣,單位負荷波動40千瓦到150千瓦,你可以選擇8 - 10小時集中負荷的使用濃度,沼氣100立方米/小時,可以選擇180 - 250千瓦的沼氣發(fā)電模式(因為沼氣發(fā)電模式在單臺機器工作,沖擊載荷較大,一些更大的權(quán)力)。
  The model is suitable for small biogas production units, such as large and medium-sized farms and biogas generators, to calculate the large load according to the period when the load is relatively concentrated. For example: the biogas output is 1000 cubic meters per day, forming a complete set of 300 cubic meters of natural gas. The unit load fluctuates from 40 kilowatts to 150 kilowatts. You can choose the concentration of 8-10 hours of concentrated load, biogas 100 cubic meters per hour, and biogas power generation mode of 180-250 kilowatts (because the biogas power generation mode works in a single machine, with large impact load, and some greater power).
  3、 Comprehensive consideration of biogas consumption and power load這種情況適合沼氣量較大,使用單位不能發(fā)電上網(wǎng),自己完全可以消耗發(fā)電能力。
  This situation is suitable for a large amount of biogas, the user can not generate electricity on the Internet, and can completely consume the power generation capacity.
  The user can select a set of wiring biogas generator as a separate power supply. The biogas generator shall have the function of spontaneous combustion and power grid switching, and be able to switch automatically in the maintenance process of the biogas generator to avoid production delay.
  以上是燃氣發(fā)電機組廠家為大家介紹的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,想要了解更多內(nèi)容,歡迎訪問網(wǎng)站:http://www.vw95.cnThe above is the relevant content introduced by the gas generator unit manufacturer. For more information, please visit the website: http://www.vw95.cn
  • 服務(wù)熱線



  The traditional 80 kW gas turbine generator is a typical example of large-scale power generation facilities. It can provide 1 to a few megawatts of power to meet the needs of almost all buildings, including office buildings, hospitals, schools and shops. The exhaust gas from the turbogenerator is the ideal heat source of the absorption chiller, which is used for cooling, heating and providing sanitary hot water. Compared with the waste gas of coal-fired power plant, the content of impurities and sulfur in the waste gas is very low, followed by the significant oxygen content, which can reach more than 15%, and can be used as the combustion air of direct fired machine for secondary combustion. Gas turbines are often used to regulate the peak power consumption in summer. However, due to the high temperature in summer, the output of gas turbine is seriously insufficient and the efficiency is reduced.
  Therefore, the output and efficiency of the turbogenerator can be greatly improved by using the exhaust refrigeration of the turbogenerator to cool the intake air of the turbogenerator. It has been proved to be a very effective way to save energy. Turbogenerator usually consists of turbine, gearbox, generator, intake supercharger and exhaust system. According to the different flow rate of the hydrogenerator, it can be divided into combined cycle, simple cycle and pre cycle. Steam is produced by waste heat boiler from the waste gas of gas turbine, which drives steam turbine to generate electricity or provides steam directly. It is a common process used in new power plant. Lithium bromide absorption chiller can realize the cold, heat and electricity three in one cycle by recycling the waste heat of gas turbine or waste heat boiler or the medium and low pressure steam of waste heat boiler.
  1、 Based on methane production
  如果沼氣產(chǎn)量大,而且沼氣發(fā)電機可以把電送到互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上,那么沼氣發(fā)電機就可以根據(jù)沼氣每小時產(chǎn)生的電量來計算發(fā)電。例如,每天的沼氣產(chǎn)量是12000立方米,也就是每小時500立方米。CH4含量按50%計算,發(fā)電量1000 KWH / h。因此,可以選擇兩臺500KW的沼氣發(fā)生器。
  If the biogas production is large, and the biogas generator can send the electricity to the Internet, then the biogas generator can calculate the power generation according to the hourly electricity generated by the biogas. For example, the biogas production per day is 12000 cubic meters, that is, 500 cubic meters per hour. CH4 content is calculated as 50%, and the generating capacity is 1000 kwh / h. Therefore, two 500kW biogas generators can be selected.
  2、 According to the power load
  該模型適用于小型沼氣生產(chǎn)單位,如大中型養(yǎng)殖場、沼氣發(fā)電機按負荷較集中時段計算大負荷。例如:沼氣產(chǎn)量每天1000立方,形成一套完整的300立方米的天然氣,單位負荷波動40千瓦到150千瓦,你可以選擇8 - 10小時集中負荷的使用濃度,沼氣100立方米/小時,可以選擇180 - 250千瓦的沼氣發(fā)電模式(因為沼氣發(fā)電模式在單臺機器工作,沖擊載荷較大,一些更大的權(quán)力)。
  The model is suitable for small biogas production units, such as large and medium-sized farms and biogas generators, to calculate the large load according to the period when the load is relatively concentrated. For example: the biogas output is 1000 cubic meters per day, forming a complete set of 300 cubic meters of natural gas. The unit load fluctuates from 40 kilowatts to 150 kilowatts. You can choose the concentration of 8-10 hours of concentrated load, biogas 100 cubic meters per hour, and biogas power generation mode of 180-250 kilowatts (because the biogas power generation mode works in a single machine, with large impact load, and some greater power).
  3、 Comprehensive consideration of biogas consumption and power load這種情況適合沼氣量較大,使用單位不能發(fā)電上網(wǎng),自己完全可以消耗發(fā)電能力。
  This situation is suitable for a large amount of biogas, the user can not generate electricity on the Internet, and can completely consume the power generation capacity.
  The user can select a set of wiring biogas generator as a separate power supply. The biogas generator shall have the function of spontaneous combustion and power grid switching, and be able to switch automatically in the maintenance process of the biogas generator to avoid production delay.
  以上是燃氣發(fā)電機組廠家為大家介紹的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,想要了解更多內(nèi)容,歡迎訪問網(wǎng)站:http://www.vw95.cnThe above is the relevant content introduced by the gas generator unit manufacturer. For more information, please visit the website: http://www.vw95.cn