



返回 2020.03.02 來源:http://www.vw95.cn 0

  At this time, if the gas generator unit does not run suddenly, it will bring great trouble to the work, especially to the production unit. If the work is delayed, the delivery time will be delayed. This is the loss of the manufacturer. Therefore, a reasonable and effective solution must be put forward if the natural gas generator unit does not run suddenly. Generally speaking, the sudden non operation of natural gas generator unit is due to the following two reasons:

  1. 經(jīng)過長時間的停車后,發(fā)電機無法啟動。

  1. After a long shutdown, the generator cannot be started.

  2. 天然氣發(fā)電機組在運行過程中因噪聲異常突然熄火,重新啟動時發(fā)電機無法轉(zhuǎn)動。

  2. During the operation of the natural gas generator unit, due to the abnormal noise, the generator suddenly stalls and cannot rotate when it is restarted.


  If there are two problems above, what are the reasons we should consider.

  1. 摘要燃氣發(fā)電機組在運行過程中突然出現(xiàn)異常噪聲,導致發(fā)電機的外燃。主要原因是:碰撞、氣缸粘滯、曲軸或連桿斷裂,導致發(fā)電機無法啟動。如果進、出氣閥被堵塞,進、出氣閥無法抽走,或活塞內(nèi)有異物,發(fā)電機啟動時不轉(zhuǎn)。

  1. During the operation of gas generator unit, abnormal noise suddenly appears, which leads to the external combustion of generator. The main causes are: collision, sticking cylinder, broken crankshaft or connecting rod, which makes the generator unable to start. If the air inlet and outlet valves are blocked, the air inlet and outlet valves cannot be removed, or there is foreign matter in the piston, the generator will not run when starting.

  2. 如果天然氣發(fā)電機組長時間不使用,二次使用也會失敗:如電池極接觸不良,啟動線不接或電池線斷了,線不接;蓄電池容量不足,不能帶動起動器轉(zhuǎn)動等。或者起跑線本身斷裂;起動機的磁性開關(guān)有故障;起動機的齒輪未能與發(fā)電機飛輪的齒圈嚙合,導致無法啟動。

  2. If the natural gas generator is not used for a long time, the secondary use will also fail: for example, the battery pole is in poor contact, the starting line is not connected or the battery line is broken, the line is not connected; the battery capacity is insufficient to drive the starter to rotate, etc. Or the starting line itself is broken; the magnetic switch of the starter is faulty; the gear of the starter fails to mesh with the ring gear of the flywheel of the generator, resulting in the failure to start.


  If the natural gas generator stops suddenly, we can adjust it in two ways:


  1、 Maintain pole, battery line, starter magnetic switch and starting line.


  Secondly, remove the crankcase, valve cover and cylinder head of the generator and check the above possible fault areas.


  以上是燃氣發(fā)電機組廠家為大家介紹的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,想要了解更多內(nèi)容,歡迎訪問網(wǎng)站:http://www.vw95.cnThe above is the relevant content introduced by the gas generator unit manufacturer. For more information, please visit the website: http://www.vw95.cn

  • 服務(wù)熱線




  At this time, if the gas generator unit does not run suddenly, it will bring great trouble to the work, especially to the production unit. If the work is delayed, the delivery time will be delayed. This is the loss of the manufacturer. Therefore, a reasonable and effective solution must be put forward if the natural gas generator unit does not run suddenly. Generally speaking, the sudden non operation of natural gas generator unit is due to the following two reasons:

  1. 經(jīng)過長時間的停車后,發(fā)電機無法啟動。

  1. After a long shutdown, the generator cannot be started.

  2. 天然氣發(fā)電機組在運行過程中因噪聲異常突然熄火,重新啟動時發(fā)電機無法轉(zhuǎn)動。

  2. During the operation of the natural gas generator unit, due to the abnormal noise, the generator suddenly stalls and cannot rotate when it is restarted.


  If there are two problems above, what are the reasons we should consider.

  1. 摘要燃氣發(fā)電機組在運行過程中突然出現(xiàn)異常噪聲,導致發(fā)電機的外燃。主要原因是:碰撞、氣缸粘滯、曲軸或連桿斷裂,導致發(fā)電機無法啟動。如果進、出氣閥被堵塞,進、出氣閥無法抽走,或活塞內(nèi)有異物,發(fā)電機啟動時不轉(zhuǎn)。

  1. During the operation of gas generator unit, abnormal noise suddenly appears, which leads to the external combustion of generator. The main causes are: collision, sticking cylinder, broken crankshaft or connecting rod, which makes the generator unable to start. If the air inlet and outlet valves are blocked, the air inlet and outlet valves cannot be removed, or there is foreign matter in the piston, the generator will not run when starting.

  2. 如果天然氣發(fā)電機組長時間不使用,二次使用也會失敗:如電池極接觸不良,啟動線不接或電池線斷了,線不接;蓄電池容量不足,不能帶動起動器轉(zhuǎn)動等?;蛘咂鹋芫€本身斷裂;起動機的磁性開關(guān)有故障;起動機的齒輪未能與發(fā)電機飛輪的齒圈嚙合,導致無法啟動。

  2. If the natural gas generator is not used for a long time, the secondary use will also fail: for example, the battery pole is in poor contact, the starting line is not connected or the battery line is broken, the line is not connected; the battery capacity is insufficient to drive the starter to rotate, etc. Or the starting line itself is broken; the magnetic switch of the starter is faulty; the gear of the starter fails to mesh with the ring gear of the flywheel of the generator, resulting in the failure to start.


  If the natural gas generator stops suddenly, we can adjust it in two ways:


  1、 Maintain pole, battery line, starter magnetic switch and starting line.


  Secondly, remove the crankcase, valve cover and cylinder head of the generator and check the above possible fault areas.


  以上是燃氣發(fā)電機組廠家為大家介紹的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,想要了解更多內(nèi)容,歡迎訪問網(wǎng)站:http://www.vw95.cnThe above is the relevant content introduced by the gas generator unit manufacturer. For more information, please visit the website: http://www.vw95.cn
